Fasting for Detox: Juice Fasting Basics

Fasting for Detox: Juice Fasting Basics

Fasting has attracted a lot of attention when it comes to self-healing, meditation, and general cleansing purposes, also known as detoxification. The reason is that it allows the body to send signals to vital organs to release toxins.

Eventually that also led to various styles of fasting beginning with water fasting during the early centuries and now modern smoothies and juices made from fruits, vegetables and herbs to suit different lifestyles. In this first part of the juice fasting series, we’ll go over the basics to learn how juice fasting is different from water fasting when it comes to cleansing results.

Now you’re probably wondering how juice fasting is different from water fasting, but first, let’s put it this way. Water fasting is essential for people who have a very slow metabolism, although some of them may also not be able to achieve results so easily, especially if they have always been fed up with bad foods (the modern diet).

Juice fast vs. water fast

While the body has been struggling with a poor diet, exposure to pollution, toxins, and these buildups over a period of time makes it much more rigorous to eliminate waste because vital organs work “overtime” during the process . With water fasting, the faster the body works, the more difficult it is for people to fast longer due to tremendous discomfort. But again, this depends on the state of the body and the amount of toxins built up inside it, as some find water quick and effective enough, while others don’t.

Now, compared to juice fasting, fruit juice is considered to relieve the cleansing and healing properties of the body to detox gently and safely. With this advantage, some people who find it too difficult to drink water quickly move into this phase as a stepping stone to water fasting.

Juice fasting and healing properties – Detoxification

So that makes juice fasting much more “healing” compared to water, as a fruit already contains vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that can support cleansing the body and immune system; furthermore, at least it is still considered a food to consume.

Numbers of targets that make juicing work are cancer cells, excess body fat, accumulated chemicals, transformed fatty acids, various diseases, and also affected mucus in the intestine which generally makes vital organs malfunction from time to time. people get old

How does juice fast work?

Natural fruit and vegetable juices, for example, have a store of antioxidants within them to help flush toxins out of the body. As the body’s natural detoxification aims to remove all accumulations within the body by excreting them out of the system, the enzymes in the juice will soften their output to reduce their number and boost physical health once fully eliminated. That way, the body will always be teeming with antioxidants and phytochemicals that these diseases would surely fear.

Experts say that detoxification is not easy, especially during the initial stages of the toxic crisis, but after the body has slowly cleansed itself until it gets used to it, juice fasting can be easier, even if it goes through a deep clean. As a result, the minerals that have been absorbed by the body will get you moving like a 21-year-old athlete or a 71-year-old man still preparing for the honeymoon. How cool is that?

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