Financial Laws 3 – Know the Principles of your Financial Freedom (Continued)
Legal Law

Financial Laws 3 – Know the Principles of your Financial Freedom (Continued)

I am going to teach you about the law of conscience in this section. And how your mind affects the operation of the law of consciousness in your life. The relationship between this law and the level of your financial success.

The Law of Consciousness states that your ability to accurately apply knowledge and accurately appropriate and use the resources around you is directly proportional to your level of awareness of those resources.

Your level of consciousness is determined by how you think. Enormous wealth is around you; you are not using it because you are simply not aware of it. You are only appropriating the resources that you are currently aware of.

The law of consciousness begins with self-awareness. Are you truly aware that you are on earth and on earth for a purpose? Man has the advantage of imaginative power. He separates himself from your thoughts and constructively observes your predominant thoughts, character and purpose in life. Analyze his long-term present passion, desire, and conviction as a whole, and then dissect it into daily activities and actions.

What are your core values? Are you really aware of your pattern of thoughts, communications and perception of things around you? It’s like what Paul Martinelli said: thinking about what you’re thinking. You can become objectively aware of your current state in life. Until you can do this creatively, you will have a hard time applying the law of conscience to your finances. The foundation of the operation of the law of consciousness is to be aware of oneself. Until there is self-discovery, there are no external discoveries. All other external discoveries are shadows, they would vanish.

What are you programmed for? What is your vision and mission? Your vision regulates your being and your actions. I will explain more about self-awareness later. But for now, understand that you need to discover yourself before you can be aware of the opportunities around you. Always remember that the first thing you must do in the mission of life is to conquer yourself.

I recommend you study – Acres of Diamond by Russell Conwell. He gave practical examples of people who had wealth around them, but weren’t aware of it. They had physical eyes like all of us, but they were not aware of the enormous wealth that was around them. It happens to all of us because we all operate on different levels of consciousness.

The things that surround us are not as they are but as we see them. We interpret situations, circumstances and the economy based on who we are. In fact, we see from within through our physical eyes. Our eyes are like a window to the physical world.

Each of us has our internal model programmed by education, through our parents, relatives, school teachers, friends and the society in general in which we grew up. Most had their predominant programming from home and school. What we were taught in school produced in us a linear way of thinking and not being creative and thinking in broad terms. In school we were taught that if you can’t feel, hear, see, smell an object, it’s not real. It is a school system programmed by the mastery of the senses. It is governed by sensory perception. The school system is an obstruction and an impediment to our level of consciousness. Until someone adds creativity to what he has acquired intellectually in the school system before an invention or innovation is born.

Take a deep look at all the discoveries in our world today. During the last 100 years, there has been a tremendous advance in science and technology. All these things that we see today had been here since the earth was created but they were not aware of it. Airplanes, the Internet, travel to outer space, electricity, telephones, computer systems, etc. Everything had been on earth including the ideas and physical components, but the people who lived on earth then did not take advantage of the opportunities and resources due to their level of consciousness.

What do you really want from life? It is already in you and around you. Awareness is the revelation of opportunities to you through insight and illumination. Until something is discovered, it is veiled. Until something is discovered, everything seems the same. Many people have spent their lives looking for what surrounds them. Why? Because of your level of consciousness. Some have traveled outside their countries to other countries in search of vain opportunities, not knowing that they had lost wealth and opportunities in the countries of origin.

All around us there is an inexhaustible amount of wealth, still untapped. Your level of consciousness will always increase when you undergo personal development. Through professional training and a lifestyle addicted to study materials that will improve your mind. You must always be ready to learn from people in order to be successful.

The secret to changing the conditioning of your mind and raising your level of consciousness is to bombard your mind with the right materials that will completely alter your programming and revolutionize your paradigm. Come to a state where your mind is in synergy with the unseen realities of your dreams and purpose in life.

Therefore, when you look at things around you, when others see problems, you are aware of the solution. When others complain, you are aware of the joy of successful results. When others see obstacles and limitations, you are aware of opportunities and victory. When others say it can’t be done, you are aware of the possibilities. It is a whole new world of elevation, enlightenment, and awareness of your true self.

Be sure to study or listen to the personal development materials many times. Studying and listening to the same thing over and over again will always change you. Your consciousness will be changing. Your perspective and perception of things will improve. So keep it up and keep listening, reading and saying those words that will change your life. What you say is of paramount importance to your level of consciousness.

Change your life by reprogramming yourself correctly. Your life will follow the direction of your conscience. Your level of awareness will always affect your recognition of opportunities and this will have an indelible impact on your level of financial success. Your level of awareness is directly proportional to your level of financial success.

This brings me to the next topic on self-awareness; your confession/statement and its connection to financial laws and the raise.

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