Getting Instant Results with the Law of Attraction
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Getting Instant Results with the Law of Attraction

If you are a student of the Law of Attraction, then you understand how manifestations occur once the subconscious mind has accepted that the desired result is true. This is often difficult for many people to do. Many have deeply ingrained limiting beliefs that often take a long time to replace. Many of the areas where this occurs most are love, beauty, physical health, and prosperity.

There are numerous ways to influence the subconscious mind with your conscious thoughts to produce the desired result. Almost everyone who uses the Law of Attraction uses visualizations, affirmations, meditations, and consistent, positive attention and intention on the desired experience. What if there was a way to remove the belief factor from the Law of Attraction process? What if it was possible to simply know what you really want and then be able to get it without spending a great deal of time creating an affirmative belief?

Well, I’ve been lucky enough to stumble upon a simple method that does exactly that. It is not a new discovery. In fact, the research and validity of the method I’m about to share with you developed over a 30-year period, from the 1930s until it finally came to public attention in the 1960s. what has not been recognized and learned by a greater number of people. I guess this is because only one book was written about him. It may have been ahead of time and thus has been out of print for many years. The book was titled “The Secret of the Perfect Life” by James Mangan.

As I researched more about the method, I realized that people, a small number of very lucky people, have been using this technique for years with absolutely mind-boggling results. I decided to try it for myself, and I too have had truly phenomenal results. I have enjoyed a series of manifestations that have occurred in an almost miraculously short period of time. I have used it for financial purposes, and since the day I started I have received gifts, prize money, rebates, increased business and sales, as well as just finding money on a daily basis.

The method involves the use of “key words”. This was the word used by the creator, James Mangan, because he liked its use for “lighting a lamp”. When the correct keyword is used in a particular situation, the result is as easy as turning on a light.

Many people use affirmations to influence their subconscious mind with whatever they are looking for. There are two problems that can work against assertions, both of which are completely negated by keywords. The first is the fact that the long strings of words that make up traditional affirmations are somewhat inconvenient to use. Finding the perfect combinations of words to evoke a positive emotion can often be laborious, and it’s not always easy to remember a long affirmation.

The next problem goes back to our beliefs. As you know, beliefs are the deciding factor of whether we get what we want or not. Affirmations sometimes have an adverse effect. If we really don’t believe we can achieve the result we hope for, a little voice inside our heads will tell us “that’s not true!” and can create negative emotions.

As I said, keywords take care of both factors. A keyword is a single word that encompasses an entire desired result. Therefore, there is no need to remember and repeat long sentences. However, the most powerful factor of a keyword is the fact that it removes belief from the equation. As we know, a repeated affirmation will gradually begin to be accepted by our subconscious mind, and as it is, the desired result will begin to appear in our life experience. Keywords (whose list has more than 100 words for specific proposals) instantly convey the desired result to our subconscious mind, and no belief is required. Days, weeks and months of repetition are not needed, because the subconscious mind instantly grasps the desired result and goes to work.

I have limited space here, so I’m just going to list some of the most used keywords, the ones that can easily be used on a daily basis. I will tell you where to find more keywords at the end of this article.

Common keywords-

Find- To build a fortune and receive unexpected things of value

Count-To earn money and increase business.

To give- sell something successfully

Attain-For finding lost items or forgotten recovery information (names, phone numbers, etc.) Also great for finding solutions to problems.

Struggle-To win a contest or excel in a game

Watch out-To help memorize

Next-To finish a bunch of unwanted work

Chuckle-To enhance your personality

Up-To get out of a slump, to get rid of depression

Section-For a greater sense of well-being

Praise-to make you more beautiful

Hole-To attract the attention of a lover.

Divine-To summon extra ability, to perform miracles

Cancel-To eliminate unwanted thoughts.

Be-For good health and peace of mind

These words are some of the most commonly used and most can be applied in a variety of situations. Each word relates to a specific desired result directly in your subconscious mind, which instantly picks it up and begins to act on it. This is the supercharged Law of Attraction, and it really can be a lot of fun to put into action. Try some of the keywords. An easy way to get familiar with them is to play one at a time. The next time you can’t find your car keys, start repeating (quietly OR out loud) the word REACH. You will be surprised how quickly you find them.

My favorites are count and find. I have been repeating them all day long for just a couple of weeks and have had an unexpected flow of money in my life. I have also received many other things of value (dinners, gasoline, etc.) completely unexpected. I have used the scope many times. I used it to get a very high score on a college exam that I wasn’t prepared for. The keywords have been so much fun to use, and I enjoy them as much (if not more) than when I started using other Law of Attraction methods.

Keywords simplify, demystify and remove the belief factor from using the Law of Attraction. This can really provide very fast results and some fun experiences. Give it a try, pick a few and try them out. Let me know if you have any interesting experiences to share. I’ve been told about lottery wins, new business deals, job promotions, and even changes in physical appearance (at least as perceived by others). Have fun trying it out for yourself!

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