God’s place to achieve success in life
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God’s place to achieve success in life

Every right thinking man would agree that there is a creator who made the world. Many have realized that no matter how intelligent a man is, his control over certain events that happen to him is still limited. Most highly successful people in various walks of life often attribute his success not only to his natural abilities, but also to the help of God, whom some choose to call infinite intelligence or the Supreme Being.

No person alive would start a business or enter a career with the intention of coming out a failure. No one would also get married with the goal of failing to build a healthy home. Sometimes people who are unsuccessful in a certain line of business, career, or even in marriage can seem more capable than those who are successful. Since there are still certain inexplicable occurrences in the affairs of man, it would be unwise not to believe yet that man’s fate is ultimately at the mercy of God. Therefore, it is a sign of wisdom to seek the help of the supreme deity in everything we undertake to ensure our success.

Many people are frustrated in their attempt to access the help of the Supreme Being because they are ignorant of the correct way to secure his attention and therefore his help. Everything in life works for someone who ever knows the right principle to make it work. God is not an emotional being but a spiritual being whose attention can be secured at any time.

The first step to having God’s help on your side is to believe that He is real and not a fantasy. He is more real than the next guy sitting next to you in your office or home. Your belief in the existence of God is shown by the attention you pay to him. For example, many early Christian businessmen who were able to establish large, successful businesses gave a large part of their income, amounting to one-tenth, as title to their churches, even though they did not physically see the Supreme Being in person. This type of gesture is what we mean when we talk about believing that he exists. Such acts of faith or belief in God do not stop moving the hand of divine providence to make his company prosper. Divine providence or acts of God occur in various ways. For example, two merchants may order millions of dollars worth of merchandise from a distant country, while one who believes and asks for God’s help receives all his goods intact, the ship or boat that brings his colleague’s goods may meet with a storm and capsize. This is an example of how God can secretly be working for those who recognize him in his undertakings.

Please note that the illustration above is for clarity. The main way someone can express his belief in the existence of a Supreme Deity is to communicate with him in prayer. This is the easiest way to get Divine Providence to act on his behalf. It is not uncommon these days to find some soccer teams coming together to ask for God’s help in their quest for victory over their opponents. It may seem silly or childish to others, but those who believe in such acts and continue to do so know what they benefit from it. I don’t think the United States of America would take pride in emboldening it in its ‘in God we trust’ coin if the help of the Supreme Being was not real to the founders of that great nation.

However, seeking success based solely on praying to God is not feasible when you refuse to add work to it. God, who created the universe, worked hard and smart to make it happen, so the principle of achieving success with God includes work. Nothing moves unless you move it. God will not come down from the invisible realm he inhabits to come serve your clients for you or help you turn the spindle, nor will he come down to make your marriage work for you without your willingness to do something about it. he. He has already equipped you with the tools you need; your hands and your brain. Only a lazy person would sit back and hope that success lands on his slip just because he has muttered a few words of prayer to the Supreme Being. People who achieve success with God’s help do so by praying as if they had not worked and working as if they had not prayed. In this way, they cause Divine providence to act to correct and complete what, due to their human frailty, they cannot correct and complete, and the result is the brilliant success that they long for.

Ask couples who have managed to build a healthy and joyful relationship or married life, they will tell you that they pray to God and work at it every day sending the right message to their partners, trying to help each other overcome each other’s inherent problems. . Weaknesses If you also did the same in your own marriage, you would receive the same marital success.

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