How to Keep Memory Foam Mattresses Spotlessly Clean

How to Keep Memory Foam Mattresses Spotlessly Clean

A memory foam mattress is very different from a traditional mattress. But like any other mattress, a memory foam mattress needs to be well cared for to have a long life. You should be able to learn the ways to clean your mattress properly, saving you money over buying another one just because you don’t have the knowledge and ability to maintain it.

How do you keep your memory foam mattress clean? Here are some tips you could use:

  • Gather cleaning supplies for the mattress. This means you need detergents, white vinegar, a garden hose, and plenty of water. Since washing a mattress is pretty much the equivalent of going to the gym, it also requires some form of labor unless you have the physical ability to do it yourself. If it’s too much for you, ask for a family cleanup. That should be able to give you some relief.
  • If you’re going to be working on a lawn, you’ll need the help of a tarp to serve as a platform for your mattress. Just putting it on the grass or ground would solve a dirty mattress. So make sure you have a tarp that is clean and can support the size of your memory foam mattress.
  • To start cleaning the mattress, mix the proper amount of detergent with a bucket of water. You can use a spray or just have a washcloth and rub it on the mattress. Spray the mixed cleaning substance onto the mattress, making sure to remove all stains, spots, sides, and corners of the mattress. Remember that the bed is important and should always be kept tidy. It’s very easy to get termites in your mattress, so make sure you clean it as obsessively as you can.
  • When removing unwanted stains (maybe you accidentally spilled ketchup on your memory foam mattress) or bad odor (maybe your child accidentally urinated on the mattress while sleeping), vinegar is the best way to combat them. She mixes a teaspoon of vinegar with water and shakes. Using another spray bottle, you can spray on stains without compromising your mattress material.
  • When trying to squeeze out any remaining water on the mattress, you can try stepping (with clean feet please) on top of the memory foam mattress. You can also try folding the mattress in two and expel the water from the foam. Leave the mattress in the sun for a day and at night, you will have a squeaky clean mattress again.

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