How to make money with a college lingerie party

How to make money with a college lingerie party

Being a student can be difficult at times, especially when you always seem to suffer from a chronic cash-strapped condition. If you have been looking for good opportunities to earn a part-time income while you were studying at university, and you want to make it profitable and entertaining, then the lingerie party business could be the perfect idea to earn some money and have tons of fun in the process. .

Everyone loves to attend a good lingerie party! If you find the idea of ​​throwing one intimidating, just remember that it doesn’t have to be a daring event that’s all about dressing up in lingerie. Throw a college lingerie party with a theme. Thrown this way, it becomes very similar to a costume party, except that the lingerie is one more item in the costume. It is also more appealing to everyone as a party concept since there is lingerie involved. For example, consider party themes like ‘Crazy Lingerie Clowns’, ‘Rags to Riches’ (A tale of lingerie, where everyone can come dressed as anything from a chimney sweep to the Queen of England), ‘Underwear Warriors’ Amazon’, ‘Gentlemen and Ladies of the Lingerie Table’ (medieval theme), Roman toga lingerie party, etc. Just use your imagination to come up with fantastic themes that work well with the lingerie.

Now is the time to get down to business. Look around you and join a lingerie company that is willing to provide lingerie for students. Since students will always be on a tight budget, you don’t want to show them designer stuff. Make sure the business has a variety of inexpensive lingerie (things you’d buy yourself) along with any other low-cost items they’d like to display, such as candles or lotions.

Once you’ve sent out your invitations or posted your flyers, it’s time to get ready. You can ask everyone to bring a food item with them on the invitations, or just host the food yourself. Stock up on sodas, chips and snacks and decorate the place simply. Since the focus of the party will be all the games and fun you will have, you don’t have to spend a lot of time on decorations. For example, you could make balloon bouquets for a clown party or hang lots of fake greenery for an Amazon theme. Just make sure you have a table in a prominent location to display the lingerie that’s on sale, and you’re good to go.

If you’re creative with your ideas, you won’t have a shortage of people just dying to buy all that underwear! For example, one simple thing you could do is make a ‘Magical Lingerie Wishing Well’. Make a large one out of construction paper (big enough for two or three people to stand on) and line the bottom with black sheets. Give everything a magical touch by decorating it with greenery and tinsel and some bras and panties. Tell everyone that they can make a special wish that the lingerie fairy will grant them, buying a piece of lingerie and throwing the money into the well. Just watch the money fly!

Play some fun games involving lingerie like ‘Pin the panty’ on Hugh Jackman or Kate Moss. (Get the appropriate posters beforehand) Host a scavenger hunt or have everyone vote on the costumes in different categories like best costume, most notorious, weirdest, etc. Plan it well so that everyone has an unforgettable time.

Once you’ve thrown a successful lingerie party, it’ll be easier the second time around. The wonderful thing here is that you will never be short of guests or regular customers, once the word about your fantastic party gets out. It’s also good business practice to make sure you get everyone’s name and phone number. In case someone seems interested in hosting a lingerie party like yours, you can follow up with them later. The advantage here is that you will become very well known as a lingerie party host/organizer and since you will be offering whoever is interested in hosting their own lingerie party a percentage of all sales made, everyone will be happy! They can both make money, and the company also generates a lot of sales.

The important thing is to have fun with everything. Growing a college lingerie party business can be quite exciting, and in many ways, the business will only grow once you establish yourself as a wonderful party host. So give it a try – you might be surprised at how enjoyable it is and discover a profitable part-time business!

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