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Important safety tips to know when considering daycare for your child

When choosing a daycare, the number one priority for most parents is the safety of their children. Not being sure about this can be one of the biggest sources of stress for any working parent. However, there are steps that can be taken to help ensure your child’s safety. The following safety tips will provide you with several ways to help verify the safety of your daycare.

Safety tip n. # 1: know the safety measures

If a daycare is licensed by the state of Nevada, one concern should already be alleviated, as staff must have criminal background checks. However, you must also inspect all inputs. Is there more than one? Does each entrance have monitored cameras? Is there a scrambled entry? Also, make sure staff have procedures for non-custodial persons to pick up the child. The person must be pre-approved and must present identification.

Safety tip n. # 2: Be Health Conscious

Nurseries are breeding grounds for germs. For this reason, consider following the CDC recommendation and vaccinating any child older than six months against the flu. Also, carefully inspect the nursery for safety measures such as cleanliness; disinfection of toys, cots and surfaces; food preparations; proper disposal of diapers and other waste materials; and most importantly, encourage everyone at the center to wash their hands.

Safety tip n. # 3: inspect for indoor safety hazards

Most of a child’s time will be spent indoors, especially during inclement weather. That is why you should take the time to inspect this area for safety hazards. Look for things such as exposed plugs or cables that could become a tripping hazard. Are there loose rugs and is access to stairs or other slopes blocked? Are the windows closed and locked? Are the toys well cared for and age appropriate?

Safety tip n. # 4: inspect the playground and surrounding areas

The outdoors presents hazards of another kind, and you should also carefully examine this area. Playground equipment must be well maintained with proper protection. Also, check that the perimeter is secure so that no child can get out and public access is denied. Lastly, don’t forget about parking. Is it well lit? Are the sidewalks maintained?

Safety tip n. # 5: keep all information up to date

When your child is enrolled in daycare, you must complete the emergency medical forms. It is essential that this information is accurate and regularly updated. The form will contain important contact information for you, other caregivers, and doctors. It will also give permission for the child to be treated in the event that a listed guardian cannot be located. Other important information may include food or drug allergies.

When parents entrust a child to daycare, they want to know one thing: will my child be safe? You can help put your mind at ease by following a few simple safety tips. Knowing the safety measures, being health conscious, inspecting hazards, and keeping information up to date will help ensure your child’s safety and help them breathe a little easier on their way to work.

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