Internet is my true agent

Internet is my true agent

You know the type, that kind of scribbling. Every time there is paper and pencil on the table, they will draw something, with a mysterious smile, giggling softly and making faces. Vlad Kolarov is no exception; However, he has built an aircraft carrier out of his funny habit. If you’re not a stranger to the internet, you’ve probably already seen his work. It could be an eCard from Yahoo, or a funny cartoon on some website, a greeting card, or even your online portfolio ( Vlad has been around for some time.

Q> Why did you decide to become a cartoonist?

R> I think I never had a choice. Obviously, I was born with the cartoon gene: I’ve always loved drawing and creating my own little world on paper. When I was a kid in school I noticed that my cartoons made people laugh and brought me some respect. That is a nice feeling. So getting paid to do it is best. Despite my law education (which I never really used), I decided to follow my stars and become a full-time cartoonist/illustrator. It turned out to be very hard work, but I also love the fact that I have my own hours and work from home. And it’s great to have a job that deals with humor.

Q> So how did it all start?

A> It all started in 1989 (OMG! That makes me almost as old as Triceratops). It was a very exciting moment. After some time as a freelance, I got a job as a cartoonist for the biggest Bulgarian newspaper “24 hours”. Several years later, I decided to broaden my horizons and moved to Vancouver, BC with my family. I have been living and working there ever since. I love the place!

Q> Vlad, how do you find new markets? Do you “cold call” or wait for customers to call you?

A> Finding new markets is the key to being a successful freelancer. As a work-at-home artist, you must always be on the lookout for new clients. I contact magazines, websites, greeting card companies, etc. They also contact me. I find having a website portfolio very useful (check it out – A freelancer MUST promote themselves in every possible way. If you just wait for customers to come to you, they never will.

Q> Share a marketing secret with our readers.

A> Always be creative! For example, my latest idea is to use the power of the Internet and turn my fans into my agents. Anyone who refers me and brings in a new client will receive 15% commission on what they get. So if you want to earn some extra money spread my name 🙂

Q> You have a wonderful drawing style! Do you have any artistic training?

A> No. I’ve had some art classes, but it wasn’t very good, so I gave up and started drawing what I like. I’ve noticed my style has changed a lot over the years, and it’s finally what you see now. I’m a fan of simple shapes, so that’s what I’m after. Less is more (except in the bedroom 🙂

Q> What is the schedule of a man “working at home”?

A> My day starts around 8 AM. I start by answering my email, then I draw cartoons and promote my work. The good thing is that every day is a new challenge with a different project and a different client, so I never get bored. This usually lasts until 8:00 pm, six days a week. Freelancers must work as many hours as possible.

Q> What is the commercial side of the cartoon?

R> Difficult… Professional cartooning IS a business. I am the President of Cardsup Greetings Ltd., which is a full service multimedia company. We (it’s a company, remember?) specialize in humor, but we do almost everything: web design, interactive animation, web hosting, logo design, etc. We also provide humorous content to the websites; Right now we have packs of daily cartoons and eCards that work great for marketing websites.

Q> What is the best for you as a cartoonist?

R> Being my own boss. Being able to work from home. Having my wife and children around me. Drawing cartoons can be very rewarding 🙂

Q> Where does your inspiration come from?

A> I often get asked that question… The truth is that after all these years my inspiration comes from the bills I have to pay… The deadline is also inspiring. This is a creative business, and as such, you need some reality to bite you from behind.

Q> Is there a secret to success?

A> There are no secrets. Being successful comes with a lot of work. You will not succeed if you sit all day in front of the TV. You have to promote yourself and produce new material every day.

Q> Do you work with any agency? Do you think they help artists?

A> No. I’ve had my share of rejection slips. Agencies are business representatives. In some cases, they can help: it’s nice to have someone promoting your work. But they are not a guarantee of success and if you can do the job, you don’t really need them. This is why I LOVE the internet, that’s my real agent! And remember, if you recommend me, you will get paid!

Q> Tell us a little about the sales process. Do you have fixed rates for your work and do you give discounts?

A> Yes, I have fixed rates, rates that I usually charge but I am very flexible. Each client has a different budget and a different need. There are many factors that go into determining how much a cartoon costs, and there is always that negotiation process. No client is too small or too big for me. I never turn clients away.

Q> Vlad, what’s with the name?

A> Contrary to widespread rumor, I am not related to Dracula. However, I was born in a small town on the banks of the Danube River, relatively close to Transylvania. That could explain my taste for black humor.

Q> Do you ever laugh at your cartoons?

R> Guilty, your honor! That has happened from time to time. But what I prefer is to see others laugh at them, that is my greatest reward!

Q> How do people react when you tell them you’re a cartoonist?

R> Most of them don’t understand what that is… Maybe it’s my accent, or maybe it’s such an exotic profession. How many cartoonists do you know?

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