Is walking under a ladder really bad luck?  Superstitions and their origins
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Is walking under a ladder really bad luck? Superstitions and their origins

The origins of most superstitions are found in the pages of ancient history, and usually began with a specific event that became worthy of retelling. Long ago, people were very focused on the mystical: both out-of-the-ordinary and everyday events became disguised omens or carried messages from the spirit or were concerned about possible insult to a deity. Consequently, most superstitions started out of fear and their longevity is evident even today. The following is an example of how a superstition could start, and in fact probably did.

Imagine a sick bed surrounded by friends and family. A sad and gloomy scene indeed. Now imagine the shock and wide eyes around the bed as a sparrow flies through the open window, bumps from one wall to another, and then shoots out the window. Friends and relatives whisper among themselves, casting attentive glances at the sickbed and quickly crossing themselves. Later, when this wretch dies, the sparrow’s appearance takes on a whole new meaning and a superstition is born.

Long ago, birds were thought to be messengers from the realm of the Spirit, however, while they may be messengers, the truth is that birds are not that smart when it comes to building houses. In a variation on the above theme, birds have been known to fly into closed windows or sit on ledges and peck at the glass, actions that would have been viewed with as much trepidation as the sparrow was. Birds can’t distinguish the open air from glass panes and see their own reflection in a window as another bird challenging their territory, so they fly into the path of the oncoming bird (their reflection) and end up racking their brains . Or, if they’re sitting on the windowsill and (apparently) looking in, they’re really just looking and pecking at their own image.

Speaking of images, long before mirrors were created, people used to think that the image staring back at them from the surface of still, pond-like water was part of themselves: their soul, so to speak. Later, this concept was transferred to mirrors and when one was broken, it was thought that it would bring bad luck to the owner… the image of the soul was shattered, broken, in poor condition. The idea that it would take 7 years for this bad luck to pass came from the Romans, who thought that life was renewed every 7 years… so the ‘healing’ time would be long and difficult. (Very similar to the current view that liver tissue regenerates every 7 years – I wonder if that was an afterthought when God created potatoes, saw what happened when they fermented, and sensed the concept of distillation.)

Have you ever walked under a ladder? I know I haven’t. Not on purpose, anyway. Long ago, the triangle was considered the pure and perfect form: as in the Holy Trinity, walking through it was thought to be rude and insulting to God. Thus, later, when a bucket fell on someone’s head as they walked under a ladder, it was seen as confirmation that walking through a triangle (formed by the angle of the ladder, the wall, and the ground) was not It was a recommended activity.

Stairs bring wood to mind – have you ever made a wish or positive affirmation and kept knocking on wood? This practice dates back to times when it was believed that gods or spirits resided in trees (we still hug trees today! Well, some of us do) and that if a wish was made, one had to touch the bark to catch the tree spirit’s attention and tap it once more to say thank you. Nowadays, we double-knock tables, chairs, walls, or anything nearby that’s made of wood. My father used to hit me on the head. He used to make my own wish when he did, but that’s another story.

Speaking of tables: never leave your shoes on one. I don’t know why: maybe because people will think you’re dead and your things are being packed. The same goes for shoes left inside out.

And about table salt: try not to spill it and if you do, make sure you waste a little more by pouring it over your left shoulder so you can hit the devil in the eye. This superstition started a long time ago when salt was a precious commodity; in fact, workers were often paid in salt, hence the word ‘salary’, and it was also used in medicinal remedies. Spilling or wasting salt was considered a crime and could buy you a few days in the local jail. (Just so you know? It is believed that the devil is after us all. Get away from me, Satan!, so throwing something over your shoulder is meant to disarm or confuse evil intentions.)

Since it looks like we’re focused on the kitchen guy’s energy, let’s get on with it. So next on the list is garlic. Revolving around keeping everything from vampires to werewolves to all sorts of other nefarious energies (and even someone who might want to kiss you) out, this superstition dates back to the devil himself. Apparently, when he walked out of the Garden of Eden, his hind hoof prints left slit marks from which sprouted garlic (which is high in sulfur) on the left and onion (which can make a grown man cry) on the right . Both plants are curious because they smell very… fragrant when raw, but turn sweet and musky when cooked.

Anyway, the point is that along with the high sulfur content, garlic is also loaded with antibacterial and antiparasitic values ​​that were commonly used to treat infections, delusions, and other mind-related illnesses, as well as working as an effective blood thinner. (The vampires must have loved that!) Garlic made a name for itself and became an evil charm to hang on your door or a medicine that could help your ailments. Even today, people eat garlic if they feel like they are going to catch a cold. Or they eat garlic for lunch before meeting with that boss they can’t stand.

And now for some chickens. In ancient Italy, chickens were considered sacred, and when they died, their bones were used by priests for prophetic purposes…the clavicle, or clavicle, as it were, was kept, dried, and then used as a touchstone. The bone would be caressed while making a wish. Later in Rome chickens became scarce and these bones were split in two to create more bones for others to wish for. They blended together to form the modern ritual of two people holding opposite sides at the base of the wishbone with their little fingers, making a wish, and pulling until it breaks. The person with the longest section is believed to be the one who caught the ‘lucky break’ and will see fortune come their way. I need more wishbones in my life.

By the way, when you’re cutting the chicken, don’t cross any knives. Crossed knives are said to lead to crosswords or an argument. (Interesting from the point of view of words… change the ‘s’ of ‘words’ to the front and it becomes ‘sword’). The crossed swords are defensive and in fact were often used as the opening formation in a sword fight of old.

Oh, and be careful not to drop silverware unless you want company, maybe a lot of company: a teaspoon says a boy, a fork says a female, a knife says a male, and a bunch of silverware says a bunch of people. they will fall off very soon. However, if a knife falls to the ground and faces an unusual entrance, it speaks of an unwelcome visitor. These omens do not seem to have a definite origin… they simply took on a life of their own. I guess the girls kept showing up after the teaspoons hit the ground. And so. I think I might go throw some knives.

So as long as you throw down your stairs, darken your mirrors and windows, never go into the kitchen, and wear your shoes to sleep, you should be fine. knock on wood

heather lagan

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