Natural Diet For Gallstones: Top 5 Foods To Reduce Gallstone Symptoms And Pain

Natural Diet For Gallstones: Top 5 Foods To Reduce Gallstone Symptoms And Pain

When you have symptoms of gallstone problems, it’s hard to focus on anything other than the solutions. One of the keys to eliminating pain is to change your diet. Five foods can start to soothe your gallbladder fast:

  • apples: As the saying goes: “An apple a day, keep the doctor away.” This certainly applies to the health of your gallbladder. Apples contain malic and tartaric acids that break down cholesterol. Since 80% of gallstones are made primarily of cholesterol, apples can soften or help dissolve gallstones. This is why most liver and gallstone hot flashes recommend eating apples or drinking unfiltered organic apple juice for days leading up to the hot flash.
  • Artichokes: Artichoke is wonderful for your gallbladder. Promotes increased bile production. This, in turn, can reduce the proportion of cholesterol in the gallbladder, which can help dissolve gallstones. Artichokes simultaneously reduce the production of cholesterol in the liver. While it’s fun to eat the artichoke “meat” from the leaves, it’s often very slow. Artichoke hearts, of course, are much easier to eat. However, the easiest of all is to take artichoke extract or supplements.
  • Radishes: There are several types of radishes in the world. In North America, we often think of the Cherry Belle variety which is red on the outside and white on the inside and is about an inch in diameter; but there are many other types: the Daikon (native to Japan), the Black Radish (great for the gallbladder), and the Red King, to name a few. Like artichoke, radishes stimulate bile production and help break down fats, both of which are helpful if you have gallstone pain.
  • Turmeric: This spice is often used in curry dishes, giving it a vibrant orange-yellow color. Curcumin is the beneficial component of turmeric that decreases inflammation, destroys liver cancer cells, and most importantly for the gallbladder, dissolves gallstones. Note that the body can better utilize turmeric when it is consumed together with black pepper.
  • Green leafy vegetables: Mothers all over the world harass their children to eat their spinach, and for good reason. The health benefits of leafy green vegetables like spinach go far beyond just benefiting the liver and gallbladder. Other greens like mustard greens, collard greens, and collard greens are equally effective. Vegetables contain chlorophyll, which helps make the body more alkaline. Foods that are naturally acidic (meat, dairy products, sugar, grains, alcohol) leave an acidic ash in your body that must be removed by the liver. Eating vegetables reduces this residue, lessening the load on the liver and, consequently, the gallbladder.

If you or someone you know has gallstone pain, symptoms of gallbladder problems, or wants to learn about a healthy diet for gallstonesVisit our site for optimal, natural gallbladder health.

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