
Non-toxic cleaners

Non-toxic cleaners should be considered when cleaning your home. Non-toxic cleaners have little impact on the environment and work just as well as products that contain a million different chemicals. You didn’t know how much you could really clean with some simple household items that you may already have. I can’t stand the smell of most cleaning products and they make it difficult for me to breathe because they can have an overwhelming odor. I know they are supposed to smell good, but they can be too overwhelming.

The non-toxic cleaners that I found that can be used are white vinegar, cornstarch, lemon juice, peroxide, baking soda, baby oil, salt, vegetable oil, soda, borax, citric solvent, and rubbing alcohol. All of these products are inexpensive, and most people have lemon juice, baking soda, washing, and water to start with so you don’t have to consume too much.

I was using this wood floor cleaner which worked well, I mean it gave the floor a great shine, but the smell was too much and it made my eyes water and I couldn’t take it anymore. Instead of the hardwood floor cleaner, I started using vinegar and vegetable oil which works well. I was never one to care about the environment, but I had to make some changes because the chemicals in the cleaning products were affecting my health. Non-toxic cleaners should be considered because they will clean just about anything you want and are safe.

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