PH value and its relevance to the human body
Lifestyle Fashion

PH value and its relevance to the human body

Potential hydrogen, commonly known as “pH value”, is a combination of acid and alkali in water or food intake by humans. The pH value varies from person to person based on their food consumption. According to the Water Research Center, the ideal pH value of water should be 7, considered safe for consumption.

The pH value ranges from 0 to 14, representing the acidity or alkaline nature of the liquid. Anything below 7 is acidic and anything above 7 is alkaline. For water, the same amount of acid and alkali is present, giving it its PH value, i.e. 7. The dynamics of the liquid undergoes a tenfold change for each number. For example,

Milk contains pH levels of around 6, making it 10 times more acidic than water because water is 7.

Vinegar contains a pH value of 3 and that means it is 40 times more acidic than water.

Can imbalance in body pH levels result in health problems?

Read on to discover the importance of maintaining balanced pH levels for a healthy body.

As the popular saying goes “life is a balancing act”, it is imperative for us as humans to ensure balance in all our activities, big or small; something as simple as riding a bike can seem like an impossible task without finding the right balance. In the same way, a human body must consume water that has balanced pH levels.

We come across the use of the term pH quite often, from its mention in TV or newspaper ads, to its placement on billboards, and also when browsing social media. But do we really understand its importance and its relevance to our general well-being?

Ideally, the pH level in human bodies must be balanced to achieve health and longevity. An imbalance in pH levels could trigger health problems and abnormalities that can have a lasting effect on the human body.

For example:

Too much acid can lead to-

Weight gain, obesity and diabetes.

joint inflammation, arthritis

Bladder conditions, kidney stones

cardiovascular disease


Cancer, chronic disease


hormonal concerns

Premature aging

Acceleration of free radical damage

Low energy and chronic fatigue

Slow digestion and elimination.

Fungi and yeast overgrowth

With an alkaline nature of the human body, there are not many health hazards, but some health benefits. The following alkaline image conveys information about the type of food that is acidic and the types of food.

pH value

As can be seen in the diagram in the image above, excessive consumption of sparkling mineral water and regular consumption of energy drinks can harm your body with an increase in acidity levels, while consuming foods such as spinach, artichokes and lemons can only benefit your body.

Human Digestive System A balanced amount of alkaline and acid in water is 7 and any amount less or more can seriously affect your body. pH levels can affect the body’s cells, glands, organs, tissues, and much more. However, each part of the human body has a different pH number that is ideal for the body to function. Take a look at the image that explains the number of pH values ​​in each organ of the human body.

In this complex space of the bottled water industry, it becomes really difficult to choose the ideal water bottle that contains the optimal amount of pH value. However, water that has a pH value above 7 is considered basic with no health concerns, but anything below 7 pH can harm you on a large scale.

To avoid being a victim, make sure you drink the right kind of water that is pure, healthy, and functional in nature. Functional water comes with health benefits for the human body, even when consumed regularly. It contains ingredients like antioxidants, pH balance, rich minerals, vitamins, etc. that make it unique.

However, the ideal pH level for drinking water is considered 7 by some international agencies. Few have investigated deeply and have come up with an approximate number between 6 and 8.5 pH. Also, pH is present in normal saline, distilled water, bottled sparkling water, and water to remove facial makeup for its own purpose.

For more detailed information on the pH of different types of water in the Asia-Pacific region, see the image below.

pH for different types of water

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