Phoenix School investigates alleged "inappropriate contact" between employee and student
Legal Law

Phoenix School investigates alleged "inappropriate contact" between employee and student

The news that a complaint was filed against a Phoenix school employee for having what has been described as inappropriate contact with a male student is disturbing, to say the least. In the past, parents would take their children to school and hope for the best. Schools were thought to be a safe place where they would receive a good education. They can still get a good education while attending Phoenix schools or schools located in other parts of the country, but we all need to be aware of situations that affect student safety.

Phoenix School takes action quickly

The Phoenix school officials involved in this incident are to be commended for taking the allegations made against the employee seriously and turning them over to the proper authorities. These matters must be taken seriously, whether they occur in Phoenix schools or in another jurisdiction.

Often the victim of abuse has hesitated to report an incident because they feared they would not be believed. The fact that the matter is being investigated instead of being swept under the rug is absolutely the right answer. All schools should follow the lead provided by officials at this particular Phoenix school.

Can Phoenix schools do more to protect students?

We must all accept the fact that there is nowhere children can go where they are guaranteed to be free from the threat of inappropriate touching. Students who attend Phoenix schools or other schools across the country have the right to attend classes in a safe environment.

I believe there are policies in place to screen job applicants who apply for jobs in Phoenix schools and elsewhere so that someone with a criminal record for crimes involving children cannot get a job. However, just because a person has no history does not mean that they do not have a history of inappropriate contact with children. It just means they haven’t been convicted yet.

Everyone who works or attends schools in Phoenix has a duty to be aware of what is happening in their school environment. I am in no way advocating a witch hunt; I realize that the vast majority of teachers and workers in Phoenix schools and other schools across the country would never misbehave with their charges.

What I suggest is that everyone in this environment be on the lookout for signs that someone is being abused and report their suspicions to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Without exceptions. How often have you read a newspaper report where a respected educator has been accused of behaving inappropriately with students? On the surface, it looks like the entire school community was in shock, but if you dug a little deeper, there were signs (often over a considerable period of time) and rumors that were never investigated. Let’s do whatever it takes to keep Phoenix schools safe for all students.

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