Someday soon they’ll be playing cricket on the moon

Someday soon they’ll be playing cricket on the moon

We have all heard the story that the cow jumped over the moon, and for that it must have been a sacred cow, well, it so happens that in the Hindu religion cows are sacred. Indians also love their sports, especially cricket. So you can be sure that as India’s space program moves into the future, they too will want to play cricket on the Moon. Now, logistically, this could be a difficult sport to play on the moon, but I have no doubt that the Indians will find a way.

Okay, let’s talk a little bit about how to make all of this possible for that potential eventuality, as it’s only a couple of decades away and India will either have its first space colony on the lunar surface or an underground space colony there. All that really has to happen for people to play cricket on the moon is for them to find an area that’s relatively flat, and then wear special breathing apparatus and special space suits that allow for maximum body movement, then they can start playing . your favorite game.

Of course, we must not forget that in low-gravity environments, the cricketer can hit the ball with such force that it sends it off its oval playing field and into a low orbit around the moon. Now, they may not be able to get it into orbit, but they could hit it so hard it goes a mile away. So the cricket committee will have to design a special MPS (like a GPS) “Lunar Positioning System” to help find it. I can imagine people on earth watching cricket on the moon and smiling with delight watching humans have fun in space.

There is another way to play cricket on the moon and that would be to play it in an augmented reality CAVE environment, and you can do it inside the moon colony without taking up much space. In fact, each member of the team could play their positions and all of that information could be entered into the computer, which would determine the winner. Meanwhile, when the computer finished the game, all the players were able to see it in a holographic 3D simulated version of the game they had just played individually, in the augmented reality CAVE.

In fact, I hope you will please consider all of this and think about it. If you are a star cricketer and one day imagine yourself playing on the moon, drop me an email and let’s talk.

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