Supernatural blood and psychic vampires
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Supernatural blood and psychic vampires

In our current society, vampires are viewed as blood-sucking mythological creatures. The classic definition of a vampire is an animated corpse that survives on the blood of the living. These vampires are said to be demonic in nature, as they are servants of “Satan”, who spread demonism throughout the world. A vampire’s body is literally dead by human standards in a state of arrested decomposition, and is kept animated by a spirit residing in the physical vehicle or by a supernatural force. These entities supposedly appear as human as you and me, though you cannot capture audio or video of them, nor can you see them in mirrors, as they are glitches in the new grid matrix and belong to an older one. The only way to tell a human from a vampire is if their bloodlust takes over, requiring at least a quarter of their victim’s blood.


At present, there are no “classic” vampires, and records of their existence are scant or non-existent. Today’s “bloodthirsty” vampires call themselves bloodthirsty. These bloodthirsty humans ingest the blood of willing donors for reasons only they truly know. The blood is indigestible in the human stomach and is released through the lungs, urine, or dung of these individuals. Then there are the psychotic vampires of our days who actually suffer from mental psychosis that leads them to believe that they are true blood vampires. These beings created horrific crimes and murders for their blood, much like a classic vampire would. Vampire bats and fish are said to be the last remaining animals from the previous vampire age, as animals can also become infected. Local myth in South America says that the Chupacabra is the last remaining true blood vampire, in animal and semi-humanoid form.

As each age on the path of evolution ends, a new age begins, a more “advanced” age that is reflected in all living entities present. In the case of blood vampires, their evolutionary progress led to greater use of the mind. Vampires of our era are psychic vampires which are humans who have the ability, either consciously or unconsciously, to drain their victim’s prana by tearing through their victim’s mind and piercing the soul’s defense barrier. The ability of psychic vampires is developed and advanced through meditation or mind-altering drugs. The genetic coding of these vampires is inherited through bloodlines or through infection of the mind. Do not mistake this phenomenon as entirely new, for there are true psychic vampires who are not of the human race, who interbred with humans many thousands of years ago and produced the lower energy state of blood vampires.

The two known classifications of psychic vampires are conscious astral vampires and subconscious magnetic vampires. The astral vampire can be undead due to its ability to astral project from its grave and drain energy from living things, which is redirected to its corpse to retain its life force. Or astral vampires may be of the living and are fully aware of what they are. They focus their energies and mind on the mind of their victim to defeat it, then, at the victim’s weakness, they drain the life force of thought from her. The most advanced living astral vampires project into the astral realm to search for victims and have very fierce and volatile personalities. The magnetic vampire is a living being that absorbs the prana of those around it, and most of the time they do not understand what they are doing or why. Most entities are wanderers and see the results of their presence, but are in a perpetual state of denial about it. These vampires tend to be more negatively oriented, as by the time they realize what they are, they are past the point of no return.

The life force that we describe as being sought by vampires is called prana or chi. This energy is produced by the living as a whole and is also stored in the blood of the living entities. Prana has a hierarchy of different classifications and variations of this energy, but the source of these variations is prana. The amount of prana expressed in an entity is shown through its aura. When a psychic vampire attacks a victim, the victim’s aura degenerates greatly and sometimes disperses, while the vampire’s aura is greatly increased and glows magnificently. Damage to one’s aura can last for days, as there is a constriction placed at the core of one’s aura that limits the victims’ ability to replenish their prana. The wound may take even longer to heal, up to a few weeks. Recurring attacks over a long period of time cause damage that goes beyond the prana energy system.

The hierarchy of psychic vampires that we currently know is as follows: symbiotic, emotional, elemental, and sexual vampires. Emotional and sexual vampires don’t need an explanation because their names say it all and they tend to be more negatively oriented. Elemental vampires are important for the fact that they feed on natural phenomena. The sources of prana come from storms, ley lines, crystals, and many other natural phenomena and resources. On average, these vampires tend to be neutral in orientation as most of them temporarily feed on the elements until they find a donor or victim. Finally, there are the symbiotic psychic vampires. These vampires are almost always positively oriented as they feed on negative energy, be it illness, thoughts or emotions of a negative nature. These vampires cure their patients of any disease or distress, and can even help turn their enemies into polarity. These entities do not accept any negative energy that harms their own being.

Seeing this information, it should be easy for you to determine if you are or are in the company of a psychic vampire. The best way to determine a vampire is to be notified or confirmed by an experienced vampire psychic.

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