The best way to launch a new course
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The best way to launch a new course

If you have an idea for a course, the first thing you should do is create a small email-based course on general topics in your field of interest and market it to see what kind of interest there is before you create it or hire a freelancer to create it. a complete course. Online course for you. This mini e-course should be 5-7 days long and cover the topic from a 30,000 foot perspective (an overview), thus covering the topic completely but not giving the details. cover.

You should also create a series of 5-6 promotional emails that you will send out to prospective students to see if they are interested in the said course. If it takes the entire series of promotions to get someone to sign up every time, you may want to rethink your themes or see if you can focus better before proceeding.

After creating a short email course on the topic, you are considering creating a course for which you can take the following steps to determine interest in the course and whether or not you are addressing key areas. This is the best way I know of to ensure that there is interest in the subject you want to teach and that people appreciate the type of information you are going to offer.

Make sure every email ends with a [signature] this is meant to be replaced by an actual signature phrase. Something or inspirational that you can use to end every memorable email. Most email services (autoresponders) can auto-complete this field.

Also include the [Link to sign up page here] tag to be replaced with the link to the unique registration web page or the link your email service provided you to the registration form you created for the email course. Again, something provided by most email services.

If these steps are challenging for you, remember that most (autoresponders) like AWeber, GetResponse, and MailChimp have video tutorials on how to do these things, so that should be your first course of action. Or you can probably hire a freelancer who can do it for you (for a fee).

The promotional emails you create are used to obtain eCourse subscribers and are sent via email as needed. You’ll want to keep drafts of them in your computer’s email program so you can email them to people every day through BCC after making your daily list of interested people visiting forums, groups, blogs, Facebook, Facebook groups, and professional association websites full of people you’ve determined should be interested in your eCourse based on their activity.

You can find these people by doing keyword searches on Google, hashtag searches on Twitter, group name searches on Facebook, setting up Google alerts for key phrases, and searching for industry trade papers. It then searches these results for email addresses. With those email addresses, you build your list of potential candidates and then send them an email or blind copy one of the promotional emails. Continue working randomly through the list until you get to the last 2.

If you get to promo email 5 or bonus promo email, then it’s time to remove those email addresses from your list and move on. Once people start enrolling in the eCourse, you should be on the lookout for their feedback and constructive criticism. This knowledge is invaluable when refining and building your entire eCourse.

I’m not sure how I can make it clearer than that. By following this system, you should be able to find out if there is enough interest in your course material to spend time and resources building a full course.

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