The many benefits that Tae Bo has to offer you!
Health Fitness

The many benefits that Tae Bo has to offer you!

Billy Blanks sculpts and tones your body like no other! He will not only lose weight but he will also learn martial arts and boxing in the process! In the late 1990s, Tae Bo experienced an incredible surge in popularity, and this wave of popularity continued into 2011. It may seem tempting to dismiss this exercise as a fad, but it actually contains numerous health benefits for those who practice it regularly. In its most basic definition, Tae Bo embodies a combination of martial arts and boxing, with some dance moves included. The goal of this training system is to provide an individual with a workout that burns fat, helps the user lose weight, and teaches self defense techniques. The numerous benefits include:

1) Build and Tone – This exercise specifically targets three different areas of the body: upper body, thighs and butt, and core abdominal muscles such as the erector spinae and obliques. Special emphasis is placed on developing the core abdominal muscles, because these are the muscles that provide the main source of strength for the human body on a daily basis. By increasing one’s functional strength, the overall condition of the body improves.

2) Cardiovascular Training: The training that Tae Bo provides has been well documented in the medical cardiovascular community. The benefits of a cardiovascular workout are wide-ranging, from lowering high blood pressure to lowering the chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Most of the cardiovascular training in Tae Bo comes from the dance steps that are interspersed with the martial arts training.

3) Weight Loss – The most obvious benefit of regularly engaging in this exercise is weight loss. A study from Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, Tennessee, suggests that Tae Bo practitioners burn an average of 500 to 800 calories per hour, while traditional aerobic exercisers typically burn between 300 and 400. When combined with a sensible diet, regular Tae Bo practice can result in significant weight loss in obese individuals.

4) Convenience – Another contributing cause (and benefit!) of Tae Bo is convenience. The practice of it can be done in a gym, but it can also be done in the comfort of your own home. When a participant works from home, he or she can set the pace for their workouts. Also, apart from an instructional DVD, practicing Tae Bo at home does not require the use of any additional machinery or equipment.

Losing weight quickly and safely should always be the main goal.

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