
Transcending the pain body: a process of healing and awakening

With everything that is happening in the world, the “dirt” is being removed and many of you are feeling the dirt rise to the surface. As this happens, your “things”, which have long been repressed, depressed, stored up and invisible, show through your reactions, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, habits, behaviors, body, relationships and life. What was once right is no longer right.

The cyclical questions of “Why?” and “Where does this come from?” are often asked. The answers are generally not very helpful because they magnify your weaknesses and what is not right in your life.

At this point, the pain body manifests itself and is often mislabeled as a disease rather than the process that it actually is. All human beings unknowingly identify with this pain body due to traumatic or negative past experiences that remain incomplete within them.

What this means is that you never had a chance to feel or process the experience to its natural resolution. There are a few possible reasons for this: Maybe you weren’t allowed to show emotions, or the events were so traumatic that your natural coping mechanisms kicked in. As a result, certain experiences from this point in your life become a reminder, triggering a negative, reactive or defensive response that you consider to be “normal” and “who you are.”

How does this manifest itself in your life? You feel bad and bad innately. You misidentify these personality traits as who you are. You have probably punished yourself with guilt, judgment, and fear. (I feel like we’re all really experts at that.) You notice pain, insomnia, headaches, irritable bowel, stress, or other symptoms that can last for hours, days, weeks, months, or years.

The intensity, emotional charge, and expression of the pain body vary with each individual. The pain body is often perceived as negative, its singular purpose is to derail your life, happiness, and success.

Society does not help because it mislabels you as sick or ill, rather than someone with incomplete processes who did not have the opportunity to act in a loving, compassionate, supportive, non-judgmental, caring and respectful environment.

Do you know that transcending the pain body is possible once you are aware of it? Do you know that it is part of the process of awakening to the truth of who you really are?

Once you realize that everything is happening to you and not to you, you can make a conscious decision. What do you choose?

We are in a crucial moment of change. I attended a Gregg Braden Seminar on Profound Truth during the summer of 2012. For those of you who do not know Gregg, he is the author of The Divine Matrix and The Spontaneous Healing of Beliefs. Basically, it merges all current scientific research to unite science with spirituality. I definitely recommend your books.

Gregg explains that with conscious choice, we can change the world to a state of prosperity, while breaking the unconscious and unhealthy patterns that have been executing it and us. This is our moment. This is your moment. What do you choose when we enter the Sixth New World?

Transcending your pain body and humanity’s pain body can become a choice, once you are aware of it and realize who you really are.

In May 2012, I had a life-changing experience. It was a powerful awakening that helped me understand the pain body and recognize a process to help me transcend it. I want to share that process with you from a place of deep humility, compassion, and love. This is just a superficial scratch, however I think it’s a good place to start.

1. Be aware of your triggers, contracted emotions, and knee-jerk reactions. Triggers = pain body awareness

2. Pain body awareness = gateway / bridge to transformation. Compassionate awareness is the light that diminishes the shadows where your illusory self resides. Consciousness is the realization of who you are and who you are not. Consciousness opens up choices in the moment. Choose to use the pain body as a tool, a gateway, a bridge for transformation.

3. Recognize that the pain body is not who it really is. It is the collection of unresolved memories stored on the physical, emotional and mental planes. However, we naturally think that this is who we are. There is layer after layer of things that were never felt, experienced, recognized, validated or seen from the eyes of truth. They are memories that are passed down from generation to generation. This is the contracture that must be experienced to also experience the full expansion of your being. You cannot know one without the other. The pain body allows you to recognize who you are not.

4. The feeling is healing. For the pain-body to be fully seen, healed, and transcended, it must be fully felt. Give yourself permission to feel and experience. Create a sacred space where you feel safe enough to express yourself and be. I would recommend a great supportive community of sentient beings to help you out. We are all in this together. All this is new for everyone and everyone is learning like you. Feel safe enough to feel. This can manifest itself in a subtle or intense way. Honor yourself to allow what needs to happen and what needs to be felt to be fully experienced without judgment. No hurry. The feeling will only be temporary because it is what is happening in the moment. Remember, feel = heal

5. Choose to be present. Be in the moment. What presence is needed at the moment? Would it be appreciation, gratitude, compassion, and gentle self-care? This is the new default. An expansive present awareness will bring the truth in the moment that will set you free.

Placing your hands on the center of your heart and taking a deep breath will naturally bring you back to the present. Continue feeling and experimenting with all of your senses.

6. Track your body’s pain processes. The best processes to help you with the final integration of the new are:

A movement. At this point, a lot has been updated physically, emotionally, mentally, neurologically, chemically … etc. Movement can help with full self-integration. Some examples are breathing, walking, bouncing, yoga, toning up, sound vibrations, laughing, sighing, crying, painting, singing, dancing, or whatever you feel is needed. Listen and let yourself be guided. Get inspired to move through the expression of the whole body.

B. Grounding. Eat grounded foods like root vegetables, protein, and fresh picked fruits. Surround yourself with nature. Walk barefoot on the grass. Soak in a hot tub of water. Listen to beautiful music. To meditate. Create your sacred and nurturing environment that takes you back to your center.

7. New choice, new story, new you. Every moment your life begins anew. The present tense need now requires a present tense response. It’s time to be your creative self and make it a practice to consciously create and co-create. You will only get better at that. This is where you remember again who you really are and what you are here for to start living it. This is the moment when you are now dynamically healing, living, and thriving. Now you can consciously make a new choice, create a new story, and be the new you! Enjoy the process.

Happy New Year! Remember, a new you, a new life and a new world!

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