Why sleep under a wool duvet?

Why sleep under a wool duvet?

People have forgotten how important their bedding is to them. Two things that you should never compromise, your shoes and your bed because if you are not in one you are in the other. A wool duvet offers the best chance of a good night’s sleep.

Well, why is that? I hear you thinking to yourself. Let me tell you why wool is a unique fiber in many ways. It has low thermal conductivity, which means it will retain heat, not pass it into the atmosphere. It has a natural curl or curl that helps it trap air, along with a vacuum, still air is the best insulator known to man. Perhaps most importantly in bedding material, wool has a great appetite for moisture that it “breathes,” meaning it conditions the atmosphere between you and your duvet.

What difference does that make? Your body wants to stay at a constant temperature of 37°C. If the room is very cold you need good insulation, which most normal duvets can provide, however when it’s hot you need less insulation and your body will try to lose some heat. To help maintain an even temperature, your body tries to regulate temperature through perspiration, and the evaporation of that moisture into the atmosphere results in evaporative cooling that moves heat away from the body. As the amount of moisture in the air between you and your duvet increases, the humidity also increases, and unfortunately the rate of cooling slows with increased humidity, causing stress and making your sleep restless and uncomfortable. . The wool in your duvet can help solve this problem as wool absorbs moisture faster than air, allowing the humidity to stay at a level that allows the evaporative cooling effect to continue much longer than underneath. of a duvet made of synthetic material or even feathers and down.

Wool can absorb more than 33% of its own weight of water before it feels wet to the touch. When you wake up in the morning, you stop pushing moisture into the air space, and the wool desorbs moisture into the room’s ambient air, ready for you to return at night. In practical terms, this means that a wool duvet allows you to sleep more restfully in a wider variety of conditions than a synthetic or feather and down duvet. This has been proven several times in scientific studies.

The Polytechnic Institute of Wales concluded that a wool duvet compared to a polyester duvet of the same insulation value allowed for a lower heart rate in sleeping subjects, indicating more restful sleep. Another similar study conducted at the Department of Psychology at the University of Hull concluded. A wool-filled duvet was shown to extend stage 4 (deep) sleep by 25% compared to a polyester-filled duvet. Another benefit of modern wool duvets is that they are machine washable.

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