Get rid of love handles with supersets and intervals
Health Fitness

Get rid of love handles with supersets and intervals

Love handles are one of the most difficult body parts to get rid of. Love handles are probably worse than a pot belly because they stick out on the sides, not the front. Even a moderately thin person can have a little love handles. Like any other part of the body, love handles can disappear with some exercise and proper nutrition.

Supersets are an exercise to consider for fat loss because they help you build muscle quickly. Muscle burns fat 24 hours a day so you can literally burn fat while you sleep. To develop a good superset workout, you need to combine lower body exercises with upper body exercises. Also, to make your workouts more effective, it is best to exercise large muscle groups. When you exercise large muscle groups, your body burns more calories during and after your workouts.

Intervals are also great for fat loss because they target the belly area. There are different ways to do intervals but the most common is running. It is best to do running intervals on a treadmill because it makes it easier to control your speed and time. For example, you can run for 30 seconds and then jog for 1 minute, this equals 1 interval. For a full workout you need at least 6 intervals. The amazing thing about intervals is that they’re easy and quick, so you really save time when you’re in the gym.

As you can see, intervals and supersets can get you in and out of the gym in 45 minutes. This quality workout frame can get you a flat stomach in no time.

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