How to choose an extremely abundant life in the midst of life’s confusion
Lifestyle Fashion

How to choose an extremely abundant life in the midst of life’s confusion

While listening to the news and their prediction of new oil prices due to current events in the Middle East, a popular song from the past came to mind. In fact, this song was quite popular during the turbulent sixties. It was sung by the very popular Temptations, “Ball of Confusion”. It was the third or fourth time he had come to me in the last few weeks; so I turned to my information glut, the internet, and looked up his lyrics.

It didn’t take long for him to realize why this song experience had appeared. This popular group sang about racism, hate, revenge, politicians who make impossible promises, protests, unemployment and fear.

Personally, I had stopped watching the news. In fact, I had written to my audience to stop watching the news because of its negativity. However, I realized that I was quickly uniforming myself and misinforming. I made the decision to not only get my news from the television networks, but I also made the decision to read, gather information, and then come to my own conclusions.

So how was I going to experience an abundant life in the midst of it all, in a completely, absolutely crazy world? If we add in child abuse and pornography, human trafficking, drug gang wars, intimate partner abuse, murder and rape, the only possible conclusion that can be drawn is that it is totally impossible. , TRUE? Mistaken. Absolutely wrong!

Living an abundant life is a choice. I choose to believe that there is a higher power, a higher resonance and vibration that lives in each and every one of us. I believe that we can not only demand the highest good of ourselves, but that we can domain the good in each person so that it shines. We can choose love and light; and, by choosing, we not only give love and light, but push love and light to the darkest and most remote corners of the Universe: to hearts, minds and souls. In turn, we must be available to receive love and light that is sent and gifted by others. In this way, a circle or a cycle is created: a ball of light, vibration, satisfaction, confidence and creativity.

Perfect love casts out all fear, confusion, doubt, and anxiety. It covers all faults, deficiencies and offenses. Understand, living from love does not mean that you accept the atrocities of this world, never say no, or stop defending what is right and what is justice. To live on love or to become love is to seek justice, the truth, be a voice for the voiceless, heal the brokenhearted, and bring encouragement and hope to the oppressed. It’s correcting all mistakes from a place of high vibration and energy, not fear, hate or revenge. It is living from a place of faith, hope, and love for yourself and others.

What happens when we choose to act out of fear? It scares us more. When we choose to walk away from hate, we get more hate. When we choose to act out of revenge, we take revenge on others. Choose to flow from love, and we get it? You have it. It’s called the Law of Reciprocity. Life corresponds exactly to what you take out.

I recently found myself in a situation where if I had known the outcome, I would have chosen another path. My coach, who is great at freeing me from my self-pity, asked, “What would Jesus do?” I sarcastically commented, “I don’t know,” annoyed by the question. Afterwards, however, I thought a lot about the question. The answer was simple, I would choose love.

While I am by no means trying to convert, I am suggesting that in the midst of all the “ball of confusion” in your life and in your world, it is possible to experience an abundant life. It is possible to have a peace that passes all understanding and absolutely ridiculous perfect joy, gratitude, self-esteem, wealth, health, and self-expression.

Sometimes life is cold and hard. Life often doesn’t seem fair. It often seems that terrible tragedies and atrocities happen to really good people. I am a woman familiar with suffering and pain. But, I’ll also tell you this, those experiences made me stronger. They helped me expand and make me who and what I am today. And on the way back to me, on the road to recovery, I went through hate, bitterness, anger, fear, low self-esteem, and guilt. But finally I found the God in me: love.

I had to get to the place of choosing to let go; I had to choose to love and choose to forgive. Yes, I had to choose to love the very people who had turned my world upside down. Sometimes I fought hard and for a long time. I even wrestled with God. Who was He to tell me to love my enemies? What did he know? Yes, I went there.

I know it doesn’t seem possible or easy. But it is and can be. Go inside your heart. Listen to the “voice” within. Be still and know. That staying still does not mean doing nothing. However, it means being firm in your beliefs and convictions and not allowing emotions to influence or overcome you. You are the essence of all Creation, all Love and all Light.

You can choose to believe that the world is coming to an end; Or, you can choose to believe that the ball of confusion will lead to an explosion of light, a new consciousness, a new beginning. You can choose to believe that you are a victim in this world or you can choose to be a change agent. You can choose to live in chaos, confusion, or madness, or you can choose to live a life of abundance: love, joy, peace, happiness, health, wealth, and perfect self-expression. These attributes are a choice. What’s yours?

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